Area monitoring

Continuity in area monitoring

Area monitoring can be of great importance in order to keep track with developments in a specific area. The area to be monitored usually consists of evolving situations caused by natural changes or human movements of specific interest. The monitoring is conducted by a variety of satellites that observe the specific area during as certain amount of time with a specific frequency. Area monitoring programs are not always known to the general public. Those that have a military intelligence component are usually a secret to the public. In this case, only a few people will have knowledge of the area data being obtained.

What can area monitoring mean for your projects?

Monitoring places of your interest will give you additional information to the sources you have already used to reach a certain level of knowledge. Adding a monitoring approach to the existing project will give you the right insight into changes that take place along the way.

An example of monitoring

In 2004 a large tsunami struck several Asian countries. Destructive waves destroyed many small islands of the Maldives. After the disastrous events, it became of importance to keep track of the way the islands would develop. Would they recover to their original form or be destroyed forever? By keeping track of the natural recovery with the help of the satellite monitoring, decisions could be made. In particular, those where human support was needed to bring islands back to the original shape as possible

Geoserve delivers the best possible area monitoring

At Geoserve, we have a long history in providing our customers with satellite imagery. Our approach can best be summarised asfollowed;

  • Use of monitoring techniques that have proven value in practice
  • Always working in the best interest of our customers
  • Integer staff members knowing how to maintain confidentiality
  • Always on top of the newest possibilities in satellite techniques
  • We treasure your projects by the highest quality standards

Contact us for area monitoring

Next to providing our customers with satellite imagery, area monitoring is one of the core businesses of our company. Geoserve in The Netherlands is reachable at +31(0)527241010. Feel free to give us a call for more information. Our staff members will answer your questions immediately or bring you into contact with one of our specialised consultants.