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Imagery on a higher level
Ever since multispectral images became available mankind took a huge benefit from it. Only decades ago, the first possibilities in relation to multispectral images arose. With the improvement of multispectral possibilities, the value grew. Images in general became of better quality. The combination of improvements in both the multispectral field and the more general field of images leads to a strong increase of the quality for its users.
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Multispectral images will improve the results of your projects
Images taken by satellite cameras are already intriguing by themselves. On top of that, the application of multispectral opportunities rapidly developed. Imagine that your project receives added value of images of much higher quality than what your are used to. It will give your staff the possibility to deduct conclusions of their findings that could not have been taken before.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row rt_row_background_width=”default” rt_row_content_width=”default” rt_row_style=”default-style” rt_row_borders=”” rt_overlap=”” rt_grid=”” rt_row_paddings=”true” id=”” rt_bg_effect=”classic” rt_bg_parallax_effect=”1″ rt_bg_image_repeat=”repeat” rt_bg_size=”cover” rt_bg_position=”right top” rt_bg_attachment=”scroll” rt_bg_video_format=”self-hosted”][vc_column width=”1/1″ rt_color_set=”global-style” id=”” rt_bg_image_repeat=”repeat” rt_bg_size=”auto auto” rt_bg_attachment=”scroll”][vc_column_text]
Possible negative effects on your images
There are two factors that can or will have an effect on the quality of your multispectral data. First, there is the basic result of the multispectral information. It can be influenced by clouds or earth condition that cloud your view. Secondly, you need to take into consideration that trained staff is needed to make the right assumptions from the data. This does not effect the basic imagery, but the outcomes of analysis do strongly depend on the competences of your staff.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row rt_row_background_width=”default” rt_row_content_width=”default” rt_row_style=”default-style” rt_row_borders=”” rt_overlap=”” rt_grid=”” rt_row_paddings=”true” id=”” rt_bg_effect=”classic” rt_bg_parallax_effect=”1″ rt_bg_image_repeat=”repeat” rt_bg_size=”cover” rt_bg_position=”right top” rt_bg_attachment=”scroll” rt_bg_video_format=”self-hosted”][vc_column width=”1/1″ rt_color_set=”global-style” id=”” rt_bg_image_repeat=”repeat” rt_bg_size=”auto auto” rt_bg_attachment=”scroll”][vc_column_text]
May we provide you with multispectral data?
Geoserve in The Netherlands is your specialised partner in providing images via the use of satellites. In short, we distinguish ourselves in:
- Distribution of high quality data via satellites
- An approach that is not led by commercial motives
- Delivery of data that is continuously checked on its integrity
- Customer satisfying approach in every project
- Rapid responses, also outside office hours
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Would you like to have more information?
Multispectral images are recorded by a range of satellites and constellations. We have access to the best possible data from over 20 satellites. Geoserve in The Netherlands is an independent distributor of satellite data. We have a very good and narrow relationship to satellite operators all over the world. If you want to find out more about the possibilities, please call us at +31(0)527241010. You will receive your starting information in the fastest possible way.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]